Five Keys to Achieving Your Goals

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals works! Many people want to achieve goals and as an executive life coach I work alongside them. But success is never an accident. It starts with a goal and it’s only by studying the success of others that this pattern emerged and was crafted. As a homebuilder our company success was based on setting and achieving goals. This strategy worked as the net profitability increased 10 fold.


We thrive when we set and achieve goals. God gave us these desires in the first place and He wants us to take action to achieve His purposes.

How To Win Friends and Influence People

Relationship is the stuff that life is truly made of. Not the artificial relationships in schools or social and business environments where forced inclusion is expected. Rather, chosen and nurtured relationships.

How do true friendships and spheres of influence form?

Moving often as a child I found myself accepting the notion that friends are due to proximity. Geography not genuine concern defined my friendships.


We know friends are important because they impact and establish the quality and direction of our lives. Without friends we have no influence because no one’s listening. Leadership is influence.

Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success

What if you could make seven decisions that could alter your success in life? What if someone had studied the biographies of over 300 successful people and filtered them into a list of seven key decisions? What if you could read a gripping fictional tale to understand these decisions and, like millions of others, change your thinking? Discover a story that can help you uncover life changing attitudes!



The Travelers Gift by Andy Andrews is that book. This is exactly what the author did to change his life. At age 19 Andy’s mother died of breast cancer and then 6 months later his father died in a car crash. What would you do? Andy’s life crashed. He spiraled downwards until he finally became homeless. Living under a bridge he worked odd jobs. Eventually he started going to the library and reading about successful people. After Andy had read over 300 biographies of successful people, he boiled it all down and wrote “The Travelers Gift.” At that moment his life was changed. Yours can be changed as well.