Changed Thinking Changes Lives

Every time you read this blog I have the privilege of sharing my story with you. Starting off from humble beginnings every time I hear my own bio I wonder – is that really me? It’s always my desire that you will find something inspiring and helpful. Changed thinking changes lives!


When I finished university, I didn’t want a typical job. My dreams, ambition and high expectations resulted in a big problem – how would I make these dreams a reality? Where would I start and who would show me the way? I started a home building business but school didn’t teach me the best business practices to lead to future success.


Building the homes was the easy part….often the product you deliver is the easy part….it’s the “specialized technical information” of how to run a great business that is missing. That’s what was missing for me….specialized technical information. But how was I to acquire the skills I needed to get ahead?

7 Reasons To Travel At Any Age

Travelling and taking a vacation is not the same. After all do great explorers set out on a vacation? Time for rest and relaxation is important but engaging in the adventure to explore the world myself has shaped me and helped me to understand God as the creator of all and His plan for me. Reading adventure books about travel as a young child from authors like South African writer Wilbur Smith inspired me early in life with the desire to explore. You too should take the time to see, smell hear and touch the fullness of life when you can. Travelling is setting out on an adventure to explore.


Jesus himself spoke these words of wisdom …


“When you were younger you went where you wanted; but when you are old someone else will lead you were you do not want to go.”

John 21:18


There are many I meet who wonder about travelling and seeing more…..firsthand. My advice is – GO! No excuses! It will be one of the best things you’ll ever do. It will change your thinking and your life. Don’t buy into the excuse of thinking there is nothing new to explore and watching it on the IMAX while you munch on popcorn will do!


At any age you should travel.

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.

Saint Augustine