How to Overcome the Fear of Giving and Be Generous

Are you getting what’s commonly known as “donor fatigue”? If one more person sends you a link to one more campaign – you’re going to lose it!?! Really though, it’s often the frequency of hearing about problems and needs that fatigues us. Statistics  say Canadians give only 0.65% of our income to charity. Worse, only 25% give any support to charity.  What’s the real problem then?  I believe it’s donor fear not fatigue.


There’s a tension between generosity and fear.  Materialism often masquerades as cautiousness. We struggle with selfishness and how much to accumulate. We think, what if we give too much? What if we don’t have enough for retirement? What if…

How To Overcome Fear And Create A Vision For Your Life

Fear keeps most people from clarifying and articulating a vision for their lives. Looking around it’s not hard to see why. Surrounded by uncertainty at every level people are immobilized by fear. How can you move forward with a clear direction when circumstances are always changing?


Uncertainty is exactly why you need a clear vision for every area of your life. Regrets are many but looking back many people are sorry they didn’t have the courage to live a life true to themselves . Living without a vision has great consequences.  In Proverbs 29:18 we read the often quoted …

Where there is no vision, the people perish.