Three Easy Steps to Better Health

Can you name something you need in yoga, on a financial statement and for your tires? If you guessed balance – you’re right! Balanced health is possible! In the past I have made choices that were out of balance, especially in the area of sleep. I followed unhealthy role models who took pride in how little sleep was needed and I thought I’d catch up on my sleep – in the grave!


Ever feel like you’re just reacting in terms of your health? It shouldn’t be this way. We’ve all tried to do better but where do you turn to for information and motivation?

Can You Really Be Younger Next Year?

Life is a battle on many fronts, but most of the time knowledge and preparation can help you conquer! So it goes with your health. There are times when I find it difficult to make the right decisions about proper nutrition, health and fitness. It’s always easier to eat the donut, rather than the apple; to use a slight cough or stuffy nose as an excuse not to start or maintain my health and fitness routine.


There are so many resources on health and fitness and of course, we all know we should maintain and care for the body God gave us! We know, our body is the vehicle through which we live out our life. The state of our physical bodies and our emotional health impacts all areas of our life. Yet 1/3 of people are overweight and 1/3 are obese.