Five Keys to Achieving Your Goals

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals works! Many people want to achieve goals and as an executive life coach I work alongside them. But success is never an accident. It starts with a goal and it’s only by studying the success of others that this pattern emerged and was crafted. As a homebuilder our company success was based on setting and achieving goals. This strategy worked as the net profitability increased 10 fold.


We thrive when we set and achieve goals. God gave us these desires in the first place and He wants us to take action to achieve His purposes.

The Magic of Thinking Big

“Go big or stay home!” You’ve heard it and you’re ready to take your success to the next level. How? Where’s the game plan for BIG ideas and BIG success. Are you tired of making little achievable goals because the epic, grand vision, blue sky thinking goals are too lofty?

Only 3% of people set goals. Fear of failure holds most people back. But wouldn’t you rather be the person who is brave enough to imagine possibilities at the expense of being occasionally disappointed? Someone thinking big and setting a big goal enabled the masses to enjoy electricity, light bulbs, cars, radios, airplanes, T.V., computers, cell phones, iPods……you get the picture.


Recently I saw a video that inspired me to write down my giving goals. This little girl wants to make the world a better place by providing 500,000 chickens for the poor. That’s a big goal for this little girl!

What’s your BIG goal? Where do you start?