How To Become Smarter…Part 2

Married? Have kids? Have parents? Got any clients? If you’ve got a pulse, someone in your life regularly says to you, “listen”

How to become smarter…..choose wisely who you listen to. Listening leads to learning. It’s got BIG consequences.  My life has been defined by the voices I have listened to and those I have tuned out. If there was a “rewind” button for life there are voices I should have turned up and some should have been turned off!


But we can’t turn back time. What we can do is learn to listen with greater discernment now. There are many competing voices and there is the voice within us. The voice within us needs a source of wisdom.

How To Be Smarter……Part 1

Education – getting “smarter” is a major part of the development of our society and a key component of development worldwide.  But what about YOU, have you figured out how to be smarter?

As an old Chinese proverb says, “many receive advice, but only the wise profit by it”. The wisest man who ever lived, Solomon said it best. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”. Proverbs 23:7


What are you thinking? Where are you getting advice for making the important decisions in your life?

It is said that 5 years from now you will only be as smart as the books you read and the people you meet. Let’s start with books. Watch for my next post on people!